Tuesday, February 23, 2010

green restaurant outline

I. Title- Greener Restaurants Help a Greener Future
II. Introduction
A. Thesis- Making restaurants green are possible and beneficial. Through sustainability, restaurants and the environment will profit. Restaurants should go green because sustainability can reduce costs while reducing their carbon footprint.
B. I will be touching on the topics of recycling, composting, and food purchasing responsibilities
III. Body
A. Recycling
1. Positive effects
2. Problems
3. Solutions to problems
4. Proper methods
B. Composting
1. Why and what is composting
2. What to do with compost
3. Cons or constrictions to composting
4. Oil recycling
C. Food Purchasing
1. Why you should be concerned
2. What food substitutions has the industry seen
a) Salmon to Arctic Char
b) Mass fishing
3. Explanation of the ingredients in our food
4. How local purchasing helps the restaurant and the economy
D. Examples of Green restaurants
1. Chipotle
2. Casa Nueva
3. Latitude 39
4. Avalanche Pizza
IV. Conclusion
A. Conclusion of all that I have discussed.

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